THE gHOST Concept

THE gHOST Concept

become a ghost sponsor$1, $2, $5 DONATIONS MATTER!

Directly support a volunteer | soldier

Click on the form below and fill out all of the information required if you wish to make a donation of $200 or more for one-time donation OR starting at $100/month. You'll be directly connected with a fighter in Ukraine and will have the opportunity to discuss the best way to proceed with the donation with them and get to know each other!


If you wish to ship medical supplies, military equipment, chocolates, protein bars, coffee, tea bags, or any other item to bring some comfort and joy to our volunteers and soldiers, please fill out the form and our volunteers will be in touch with you.


For sponsors who want to donate any amount under $100, please donate to our PayPal or Revolut (see below). All the donations will be gathered together and sent to the volunteers and soldiers on our list.

revolut transfer

Make a donation through Revolut.

buy me a coffe

Support TGC team, volunteers and soldiers. 

*All donations are sent to foreign military volunteers or Ukrainian soldiers that were already vetted and proved to be in Ukraine in a unit with a contract.

we are here to help!

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

If you need more information about our project and how it works we'll be happy to help.

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© The Ghost Concept 2023